Apr 2Liked by Birrion Sondahl

The US is not just complicit, they are fully responsible for the continued genocide. It is the US $$$ and bombs that are slaughtering civilians in Gaza. I give 0 f**cks what Bibi wants. Demons in hell want ice water. One fact says it all— if US stopped support today, this would be over today.

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Apr 3Liked by Birrion Sondahl

I am ashamed to be an American. Period. Someone asks me how I feel, I say fine, except I'm depressed, I can't sleep, but I don't want to talk about me. Gazans are suffering to a degree I can't imagine. My government is the cause-the root of this unbearable fucking evil.

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It’s been coming for decades, the US is now more than ever hated by millions of people around the world..I’m American ..Native American and I hate the US and have all my life.

This will not end well for this Fd up country. It’s embarrassing that @genocideJoe Biden is actually running again..vote third party or stay home..

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The Fool on the Hill is such a great multifaceted reference, thank you for the brilliant writing and painful Truth and guidance.


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