Turns out Liberals fail at most everything, even genocide. I am no longer a liberal. I can't be okay with genocide. I can't be okay with Biden's horrible administration, I can't be okay with all the inequality and a dying planet; liberals are okay with all of it, they are stuck in the middle of the herd and they just follow. I refuse, I left the herd, I will not follow, I will never be okay with Genocide, I am ashamed of the US. Israel is evil and wrong and the genocide & occupation of Palestinian's must be stopped.

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Ukraine is a war, Palestine is a genocide and liberals do their upmost to confuse their listeners about those two facts.

Really the word confuse is too light for the context. Lie or prevaricate suit the description of the deplorable framing of these two concurrent events given by liberal politicians and their cheer leading media.

The wholesale slaughter of Ukrainian soldiers dooms any future for that country. This sad fact goes unreported by our major newspapers. The terrible toll on Ukraine should lead the U.S. to call off the glorious march to Moscow, but Palestine gives the evidence that that will not occur.

The proverb that one reaps what one sows should terrify our ghouls in charge. It won't.

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