May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Liked by Birrion Sondahl

Thanks for providing this excellent retort to the Open Letter, of which, I confess, I was previously unaware. At your suggestion, I read that first. I was angered at several points, as I have spent considerable time reviewing the history and context of the crisis that led to Russia's invasion, and the authors of that letter clearly ignore and elide much of the salient history and facts that show the falsity of their claims. What kind of academic does that, other than those who have already sold out principle for some personal gain?

I suppose the authors may simply be repeating the western propaganda due to prior nationalistic leanings; or perhaps it is as you suggest, out of some concern for the Ukrainians who suffer the consequences. At any rate, the kind of response they encourage is almost certainly NOT going to protect the Ukrainian citizens, and to whatever extent Ukraine is further militarized and Russia threatened by encirclement, will likely make those people less secure and less assured of Ukraine's future autonomy.

Yet they dismiss out of hand any negotiations to resolve Russia's demands, which very many scholars, as well as experienced diplomats, military and diplomatic officers, as well as international relations scholars, have said could have, and should have been addressed long before, if just peace was actually the interest of the U.S. and its creature, NATO.

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Thank you! I felt the same way when I was reading it which is why I had to write a response. Not that the authors will ever see it, but it felt good anyway.

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