Thanks for pointing out what should be obvious, but for so many, is not.

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It’s easy to blame this erosion of what freedom mat have existed in the past on the corrupt political class, or the media. The corporate elites deserve some of the blame too. But we have to acknowledge that most Americans have not been paying attention, or simply take their cues from their corporate media of choice.

In 2024, after 3 more years of far-right Supreme Court decisions and 2 years of a Republican Congress passing more heinous legislation that Biden will probably not veto, we will be given a choice between a mediocre, corrupt status quo politician and a devotee of the lunatic fringe -again. A viable choice could be put on the ballot (unlikely) but the progtards won’t vote for that person for fear of electing the Republican bozo.

Good progressives will follow their MSNBC sheepherders and vote for another corrupt Democrat, unless... Unless we enter a severe depression with an inflation that destroys savings and puts food out of reach for most people. Unless we pass a climate tipping point that renders the southern regions of the country uninhabitable. Unless the neocons and the senile leadership starts a nuclear war,after which there will be no nation left.

I want to be optimistic but I refuse to live in a fantasy world.

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