I hope the railroad workers strike, one day of sick leave is not acceptable. It isn't enough sick time for the boss and it isn't enough for the workers. The railroad workers have all the power in their hands, they can shut down the nation, and they should, to get their demands met. It's time the 1% gives, the 99% already gave way too much, for way too long.

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Well stated thank you. Check out A Builder's Tale

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Thanks - love Colorado, though the cost of living here is insane. Honestly I don't think I have time to read the whole thing, but I'll keep it on my list. Great work.

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https://jmatsonheininger.substack.com/p/a-builders-tale-chapter-six This chapter might interest you the tale of King Strang, and the Nookie wars... as recollected in the bars of Beauville...

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I agree with April. These are the most reasonable demands imaginable, and if the rich bastards don't agree to meet them, then it's wholly their fault that there's a strike. Of course the corporate media and entire power structure will frame it as being the workers' fault. Hogwash. Thank you, Birrion, for another excellent article!

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