I wish everyone, especially Birrrion, a Happy New Year!

But, for those who share my questionable fortune to reside in the U.S. this is an election year. The demagogues will be out in force preaching for the salvation of our democracy. I despair of the vast fortunes spent to vault what each voter may perceive as the least malevolent candidate over the line.

We will not find candidates competent and capable to call out the vicious destruction of our environment (both physical and spiritual) by the corporate capitalists that call the shots. Having first voted as a nineteen year old in 1972 gives me a rather long insight into the trend of callow choices we have presented to us.

Still, let us imagine that many others will clue in and not waste their vote on any candidate that our two party duopoly fields. Then, perhaps long after this year, 2024 will be celebrated.

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Yes, I was thinking of how Dickensian the times are today as I was shopping for our traditional New Year meal. Over night, as the dogs hid, I questioned the spirits as to what in hell anyone had the audacity to celebrate during a conspiratorial genocide. "Don't they know there's mass murder going on in plain view?" I refuse to pretend all is well.

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Yes, 2023 was a rough one and your reiteration of the realities was succinct and helpful. Also the letter from Karl Marx was a special touch. I hope to hear more from you again soon, knowing that this is your true job for all that you have another one considered "real".

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