In the latest celebrity endorsement of Nazism in Ukraine, Mark Hamill video chatted with Nazis in Ukraine. Since Twitter has gone to war with Substack, I can longer embed tweets, but here’s a link:
Mark Hamill’s support of Ukraine is nothing new, but as you can see in the Twitter video, this time he was openly talking with Nazis. United 24 in the video chat upper right hand corner proudly are displaying a red and black flag with a kolvrat symbol, an Tyr rune arrow, and the number 98.
What do these symbols mean?
The Kolovrat - Reporting Radicalism describes the Kolovrat as follows:
A sun-shaped swastika with eight arms. Neo-Nazis and neo-Pagans claim this symbol has ancient Slavic origins but there is no evidence to support this claim. It likely appeared in the 1920s and has only been actively used since the 1990s. The symbol’s “arms” can point left or right.
In Ukraine, it is widely used as an indicator of far-right views, often without any stated affiliation with a specific organization or structure.
The Tyr Rune - The Anti Defamation League, which strangely supports Ukraine, describes the Tyr rune:
The Tyr rune is one of many ancient European symbols appropriated by the Nazis in their attempts to create an idealized "Aryan/Norse" heritage. This gave symbols such as the Tyr rune a new, racist significance that they did not originally have. Nazi Germany used the Tyr rune as a symbol for a number of Nazi entities, including the leadership schools (Reichsführerschulen) of Hitler's brownshirts, the Sturmabteilung, and a Waffen SS infantry division, among others.
Since World War II, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists continued to use the Tyr rune in a racist context - along with the Elhaz (or Life) rune, the Tyr rune is one of the most common white supremacist appropriations of ancient runic symbols. Its popularity in part stems from the fact that it is considered by many to be the "warrior rune."
The Red and Black Flag - This is the flag of the Banderite wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) and Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). According to Wikipedia, it is “now used by various Ukrainian nationalist organizations and parties, including UNA-UNSO, Right Sector, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists and others.” I have previous written about Bandera and the OUN-B here:
The 98 - I’m not 100% certain what the 98 is in reference to, though it is most likely referring to the 98th Territorial Defence Battalion 'Azov-Dnipro,' a section of the much larger Azov Regiment.
The combination of all these hate symbols cannot be written off as a coincidence. They all add up to Nazis.
When challenged, Hamill did respond:
This is rather embarassing as he is saying he doesn’t know what the Nazi flag means, but he stands with the Nazis anyway. But really, this is no worse than when he compared Ukraine to the Rebels and Russia to the empire in the video:
Considering that George Lucas originally based the Rebels on several resistance forces and was inspired by World War II anti-fascism, this portrayal of Ukraine as being similar to the Rebel Alliance is completely backwards.
Here, George Lucas describes how the Rebels were inspired by the Viet Cong who were fighting against US imperialism. Princess Leia’s famous hair style from A New Hope was based on Pancho Villa’s Mexican rebels. Mark Hamill has missed the entire point of Star Wars which was fighting the evil empire, which in real life is the United States. The United States is backing and arming the Nazis in Ukraine and Mark Hamill is right with them.
“I went with a kind of Southwestern Pancho Villa woman… The buns are basically from turn-of-the-century Mexico.” - George Lucas
It is only a coincidence that the symbol of the Galactic Empire in Star Wars resembles the Kolovrat or Sonnenrad as it was actually based off of 18th century fortifications. Nevertheless, one would think that Mark would see the resemblance between Ukrainian fascists and the evil Galactic Empire. He has completely missed this though and is instead raising money for drones for Nazis.
Ukraine does not hide their affiliation with empire. According to an article by Newsweek:
Ukraine has unveiled a new initiative to create a fighting force that can help in liberating occupied territories. Those who apply for the "Offensive Guard" assault brigades among the country's National Guard will be called stormtroopers.
Stormtroopers! Originally of Nazi origin the term was used by George Lucas for the troops of the Empire in Star Wars. There is even an official Ukrainian government website: Here they advertise for Azov battalion as well as numerous other stormtrooper brigades such as Spartan, Rage, and Hurricane.
Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. - Darth Vader, Return of the Jedi
Mark Hamill has chosen the opposite side of Luke Skywalker. Ukraine is more in line with Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader than with the Rebel Alliance. It is disapointing that he does not see this. He has taken Darth Vader’s advice and joined the Dark Side.
Disappointing indeed. Thanks for the summary. The arrow symbol was new to me.
Hamill shows himself to be just another intellectually and spiritually shallow celebrity with no understanding whatsoever of the history and chain of events- whether with respect to Ukraine, Russia or the U.S. and its history of provocations of and threats to Russia. He doesn't really deserve even this attention. And why would we expect that more than perhaps a few such celebrities would have any deeper awareness of the facts than the average American who's been effectively brainwashed with propaganda for the last decade?